I Haven’t Written About AI, And That’s Okay

Over this ‘summer of code’, I have not made any mentions of AI yet. With my history of posts that contain the subject, I thought I might explain why they have made a mysterious disappearance. They have not been needed. Yeah, it’s not a great reason, but it is what it is. While working and writing about how I am improving my programming skills, AI does not have to be the main focus. This does not mean that I have not been focusing on AI. I have kept up on news and articles within the field with my spare time. Yet, when it comes to personal coding, I am not at the stage to be working on anything large like that.

As I have said, my ability to code is not up to snuff with what it should be. This summer is my chance of making different. Towards the end of the summer, I might see larger projects that I would be working on. For now, I am making sure that I have the basics down pat. It’s not exciting, but it is needed.

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